Facebook will be replacing our email list
Our private Facebook group will be replacing our current email list. This is necessary because Email is subject to ever increasing anti-spam measures, which means not everyone is getting every…
A photo that does not fit any other category
Our private Facebook group will be replacing our current email list. This is necessary because Email is subject to ever increasing anti-spam measures, which means not everyone is getting every…
A great event at Scuitto Lake. We welcomed Lee, who made a great vindaloo. Andrew managed to get the biggest fish, it was a tight race since there were many…
See Event page for details Annual membership cost this year is $30. If you haven't already done so, please let me know what meal you are contributing.
2022 Photos and 2022 Video have been published and are also available on the Gallery page.
Nick's slideshow is available here, and the event details and meal assignments are here.
Nick takes the best meal trophyRod and Rob get the 'Man' award for teaming up to make breakfast every day.Winner and Group photos added to their respective slide shows.
A few updates to our site:Winner and Group slide shows now play from newest to oldest. They are accessed from the Gallery->Winners and Gallery->Groups menu items.Home page has a short…
Click here for 2020 slideshow on YouTube Thanks Nick!
Hey Boys, The dates for this years trip are Jun 12 - 16