
Nick takes it!
Andrew takes it!
Nick notches another win!
Murray takes it!
Andrew takes it!
Nick wins again!
Nick wins it!
Ed wins, first time!
Murray wins yet again!
Murray pulls it off again !
Murray won. Need a picture!
Nick and Andrew tie!
Andrew wins it
Rob wins it with a 3 lb'er!
Murray wins it, an 18lb springi!
Murray and Rob tie, a first!
Murray wins it, second time.
Todd wins it, first time!
Rob wins it, fourth time.
Andrew wins it, second time.
Phil wins it, third time!
Murray wins it, first time!
Murray wins it, first time!
Nick wins it, a squeaker!
Mark wins at the last minute!
Phil wins it!
Andrew wins it!
Rob won, with a beauty!
Rob won. Need a photo!
Nick won. Need a photo!
Phil won. Need a photo!
Rob won. "Smokeyes" was born.
Nick won. Need a photo!
Tom won at Lundbom, he's holding the trophy.