Countdown to the 2025 Smokeyes Fishing Derby. Note: add one day for remaining sleeps. 😉
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Countdown to the 2025 Event. Note: add one day for remaining sleeps. 😉
Visit our Facebook group for the conversation!

An absolutely beautiful lake - all to ourselves
Crater Lake lookout
Very clear water - could spot the fish from 50 feet away
Nick, with Rob relaxing in the background
Just over three pounds, almost the winning fish.
Circling the wagons
Playing bocci on the hill
Nick takes it!
Ed made his incredible seafood Jambalaya
Nick's tale of woe - adjusting the Crater Lake sign with his truck
Attended by Kevin, Andrew, Phil, Nick, Ed, Murray, Rob

Kevin, Andrew, Phil, Nick, Ed, Murray, Rob
Rob, Todd, Murray, Andrew, Lee, Ian, Rod, Nick, Phil
Kevin, Andrew, Ed, Nick, Rod, Matt, Todd
Rob, Phil, Rod, Andrew, Nick, Murray, Ed
Andrew, Rob, Murray, Todd, Matt, Rod, Ed, Nick, Phil
Back: Rod, Kevin, Andrew, Gabe, Ian. Middle: Todd, Ed, Nick, Murray. Front: Phil, Shally, Rob
Rob, Murray, Ed, Nick, Kevin, Andrew
Rob, Nick, Murray, Ed, Jason, Andrew, Shally
Andrew, Rob, Kevin, Ed, Nick, Murray
Ian, Murray, Jason, Nick, Ed, Andrew. Front: John, Rob
John, Andrew, Murray, Nick. Front: Rob, Ed, Jason.
Nick, Andrew, Ed, Rob, Murray. Missing: Ian, Gabriel.
Rod, Nick, Rob, Ed, Murray, Andrew
Andrew, Ward, Murray, Ed, Nick. Front: Rob, Ian
Ian, Todd, Murray, Mike, Rob, Ward, Andrew
Ed, Ward, Todd, Phil. Front: Ian, Nick, Murray, Rob. Kevin, John, and Andrew also attended.
Andrew, Ian, Murray, Nick, Phil, Todd. Front: Rod, Rob, John
Nick, Phil, Ed, Murray. Front: Ian, Rob, Todd, Andrew, Rod
Need a group photo!
Phil, Murray, Rob, Ian, Todd, Andrew. Front: Nick, Chris
Todd, Nick, Murray, Rod, Ian, Andrew, Rob. Front: Ed, Phil
Rod, Andrew, Nick, Murray, Ed, Phil, Todd, Rob
Todd, Ed, Rob, Andrew, Phil, Nick, Rod
Andrew, Murray, Rob, Chris, Phil, Nick, Rod
Rob, Ed, Nick, Todd, Phil., Mark
Need a group photo!
Rob, Ed, Nick, Todd, Phil.
Mark, Todd, Rob, Phil, Ed, Nick
Need a group photo!
Need a group photo!
Need a group photo!
Todd, Nick, Ed, Phil, Rob
Need a group photo!
Too many to list, but includes Nick, Karen, Ed, Wendy, Sherry, Bryan, Phil, Tanya, Rod, Lisa, Stan. Rob took the picture.

Nick takes it!
Andrew takes it!
Nick notches another win!
Murray takes it!
Andrew takes it!
Nick wins again!
Nick wins it!
Ed wins, first time!
Murray wins yet again!
Murray pulls it off again !
Murray won. Need a picture!
Nick and Andrew tie!
Andrew wins it
Rob wins it with a 3 lb'er!
Murray wins it, an 18lb springi!
Murray and Rob tie, a first!
Murray wins it, second time.
Todd wins it, first time!
Rob wins it, fourth time.
Andrew wins it, second time.
Phil wins it, third time!
Murray wins it, first time!
Murray wins it, first time!
Nick wins it, a squeaker!
Mark wins at the last minute!
Phil wins it!
Andrew wins it!
Rob won, with a beauty!
Rob won. Need a photo!
Nick won. Need a photo!
Phil won. Need a photo!
Rob won. "Smokeyes" was born.
Nick won. Need a photo!
Tom won at Lundbom, he's holding the trophy.